Safety analysis – In-class exercise

Reading: Section 3, 4, 5 of: Design and licensing strategies for the fluoride-salt-cooled, high-temperature reactor (FHR) technology. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Volume 77, November 2014, Pages 406–420.

It’s interesting to note that a set of licensing basis events hasn’t yet been published in the literature for liquid-fueled molten salt reactors. So I will ask you to do this, for the safety module of this course, because this is the first step in safety analysis of new reactors, that guides design and guides safety analysis, in parallel. Your Assignment 1 can be a starting point (unless you did your Assignment 1 on an FHR subsystem).
Pick one of the molten salt reactor designs, and postulate:
  1. A set of safety design criteria (SDCs). Are the FHR SDCs applicable?
  2. A preliminary list of initiating events based on postulated failure modes of susbsystems.
  3. A sample event tree for a postulated event that is initiated by one of the events postulated in #2.
  4. A set of bounding events for beyond design basis events (BDBEs).

Please read this paper in class today, and work in groups of 3 to answer the questions above.

Each of you should post the answers to 1-4 on your own blog by the end of the day today (7pm). I will comment on them, and ask you resubmit as a HW assignment by next Wednesday.

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