This website is a compilation of the materials that I use for courses that I’m teaching or courses that I’ve previously taught. If you find the material useful, or have ideas for how it might be improved, don’t hesitate to contact me. If you’re interested in my research on molten salts and heat and mass transport, please visit my research group‘s website.
Molten Salt Science Applied to Nuclear Reactors | NE 602 Fall 2018, graduate course [link for this course will be added soon] [class meets MW 4-5.15pm EH3032, 5 Sept. 2018 through 12 Dec. 2018]
Molten Salt Technology | NE 602, Spring 2017, graduate course.
Nuclear Engineering Design | NE 412, Spring 2018, senior undergraduate course, also open to graduate students.
Survey of Nuclear Engineering | NE 231, Spring 2018, designed for freshmen engineering students, but open to all majors all years.
Economic and Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Engineering | NE 571, Spring 2018, designed for upper-level nuclear engineering students, also open to other majors.
Nuclear Reactor Engineering and Thermal Hydraulics | NE 411, Fall 2016, senior undergraduate course, also open to graduate students.
Engineering Ethics | E125 UC Berkeley | Fall 2013, Spring 2014. | syllabus
Safety Analysis and Process Safety | NE 602 | Spring 2015
Introduction to Society’s Engineering Grand Challenges | Module Theme: Safety and Risk Analysis of Emerging Technology | E102 | Fall 2015
Map of National Parks and U.S. Nuclear Reactors | last updated 2018-04-29.
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Raluca O. Scarlat