NE 571 | Take-home quiz #3

Continuing to follow-up on the Taebi paper, and the Ahn Ch. 9 reading, please submit this take-home quiz on your blog by Wednesday, March 14th, 8am.  One paragraph per question will suffice.

  1. 3pt. Inter-generational decision-making. How do you prioritize the risk-benefit among different generations? How do you decide how much of today’s resources you invest in benefits for future generations, and in preventing risks for future generations? How far out into the future do you invest for? Do you give more weight to benefits in the future, or to benefits in the present? (side-note: we will cover discount factors next week in the economics lectures; disregard that analogy for the moment).
  2. 5pt. What are the values that you believe are fundamental for development and deployment of technology?

Related posts:

  1. Reading assignment.
  2. NE 571 | Quiz & In-class discussion on Ethics
  3. NE 571 | Take-home Quiz #2


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