NE 412 | Final Report & Final Presentation

Content of the Report & Final Presentation

  1. Project scope and functional requirements.
  2. System description.
  3. Supporting analysis: methodology, inputs, results.
  4. Description of the prototype you created.
  5.  Uncertainties and future work.

Structure of the Report

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright, if all of the authors choose to keep the report and website material public.
  3. Executive Summary
  4. Report Chapters
    1. The first chapter must define (1) the project goals, and (2) the functional requirements.
    2. One chapter should be a prototype description. Briefly describe here also the evolution of the prototype – what was changed from one iteration to another and why.
    3. The last chapter must include:
      1. How your system meets each of the functional requirements.
      2. A summary of the overall product of your project.
      3. Limitations of the current work, and recommendations for future work.
  5. References
  6. Appendices
    1. All calculations: methodology, inputs and assumptions need to be fully transparent so that the work is reproducible by the readers of the report.
    2. All review comments
    3. All material supporting the content. For example, meeting memos are not directly supporting of content.

Structure of the Final Presentation

  •  May 11th, 10.05am-12:05 pm, 20 minutes per team.
  • Bring your prototype.
  • You may use slides and/or hand-outs. If you use handouts, I can make the necessary copies for you.
  • This is your chance to showcase your work. If everybody on your team agrees, you may choose to invite colleagues and friends who are not in the class, to attend your presentation.
  1. Scope and functional requirements.
  2. Description of system.
  3. Showcase the prototype.
  4. A list of analyses that supported the design decisions.
  5. An example analysis: methodology, inputs, results, uncertainties.
  6. Show how your system meets each of the functional requirements.


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