Assignment 1

Due Monday, January 30th, by 12pm

  1. If you’d like, contribute with answer to the questions posted by the class, on Chapter 1#1history.
  2. Reading assignment: “Fluid Fuel Reactors” book (chapters posted in #readings)
    1. Ch. 16: Aircraft reactor experiment
    2. Ch. 12: Chemical Aspects of Molten-Fluoride-Salt Reactor Fuels
  3. Submit two or more questions on Ch. 12. Post on slack, #readingquestions.
  4. Provide a description of a sub-system that is used in one of the 11 modern molten salt reactors in a fashion similar to Ch. 16: what are the functions of the system, and how does it meet these functions. A heavily annotated figure would be the best way to answer this question concisely. Post this on your blog. 

* Please fill in the Week 2 (L2&3) Feedback Survey *

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