Assignment 3: Activity Coefficients

  1. Select a binary phase diagram of fluoride salts, of your choice.
  2. Calculate the activity coefficients of the two constituents along two of the liquidus curves.
  3. Does this solution follow the regular solution theory?
  4. Is the phase diagram correctly built – does this solution follow the zero-th law of thermodynamics: two phase in equilibrium with a third phase are also in equilibrium with each other. As applied here, this means that the liquid and the solid phases along the liquid line have the same vapor pressure. You’ll need to look up the temperature-dependent vapor pressures of the solid and the liquid; feel free to extrapolate. If you can’t find data of the vapor pressures, then solve the problem backwards – predict what the values, or the ratio of the values should be.
  5. Sketch the free energy curves associated with the phase diagram, at three different temperature points: at a eutectic point, below the eutectic melting point, and above the eutectic melting point.

Post this on your blog by Friday, February 17th at 12pm.

Related reading: “General thermodynamics”, Olander, Chapter on “Binary Phase Equilibria”

Please fill in the survey for week 4.

If you haven’t already done so, please also fill in the surveys for week 2, and week 3.


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